New feedback on using the Global Birth Defects app in South Africa
5 June 2024
Watch here Feedback • Global Birth Defects (
Nursing staff, Siviwe Hendrick, Lumka Vicks and Anesipho Dlamenzi at a primary level, Gugulethu Midwife Obstertric Unit in South Africa, discuss their experiences of using the Global Birth Defects App.
Khanyisa Mandondo, a nurse at Ubomi Buhle, who regularly uses the Global Birth Defects App to record cases, discusses how easy it is to download and use the App.
If you would like to add a feedback video regarding your use of the Global Birth Defects App, please contact
Launch of the RELAMC Website
26 July 2023
A launch event was held on July 3, 2023 for the RELAMC website
RELAMC is the Latin American network for congenital anomaly surveillance.
The website describes the network and the member registries, allows the user to obtain publicly available prevalence data tables, and provides the platform for data submission for member registries.
The launch event was co-organised by RELAMC and the Coordenação-Geral de Informações e Análises Epidemiológicas, Ministério da Saúde, Brazil. Speakers included Ieda Orioli, Theresa Diaz, Helen Dolk, Boris Groisman, Guillermo Macías, Marli Souza Rocha, Jorge López Camelo and Ignacio Zarante.
Congratulations to RELAMC for this milestone!
International Conference for Birth Defects in Developing Countries, Chile, March 2023
3 March 2023
Caroline Osoro (pictured) talked to new users about the use of the Global Birth Defects app, and how the MiMBA project has added an expert review platform which is now available to all users.
Emma Kalk, Caroline Osoro, Robert Serunjogi and Modiegi Diseko (pictured) represented the new SubSaharan Congenital Anomalies Network (sSCAN).